Animal Logic, the Australian animation and visual-effects company behind cartoon blockbusters “Peter Rabbit,” “Captain Marvel” and “Happy Feet,” will turn to Alibaba Cloud to back up the tremendous amount of data generated by its production process, the companies said Wednesday.
During peak production periods, Animal Logic can generate as much as 150 terabytes of data in 24 hours, according to a release. By upgrading to Alibaba Cloud, the company has access to a cloud platform that can expand to meet these storage needs in real time and keep its production schedule on track.
“Our partnership with Alibaba Cloud will provide us with the best technology to secure our content more efficiently,” Animal Logic Chief Technology Officer Darin Grant said. “With Alibaba Cloud, we have the capability to backup large amounts of data and in turn, operate seamlessly even during our busiest times.”
The partnership with Alibaba Cloud includes a specially designed storage gateway and private networks to protect the data and to minimize disturbance during data transfer, respectively. The data during transfer will also be encrypted to bolster security levels.
The companies said they have plans to work on future cross-regional storage and backup projects and the migration of legacy applications used by Animal Logic to the cloud.
“Alibaba Cloud is thrilled to announce our partnership with Animal Logic, in which we will bring increased efficiency and safety to the artists at Animal Logic and, in turn, push the boundaries of animation and VFX to a new level,” said Raymond Ma, general manager for Alibaba Cloud in Australia and New Zealand.
Alibaba Cloud breaks its global network coverage into regions, with availability zones spread out within them. Each availability zone has one or more data centers. Currently, Alibaba Cloud has 61 availability zones across 20 regions worldwide, including theU.S.,U.K., Australia, Singapore, Malaysia,Japan,Indonesia and India.