One of the keys to China’s rise as a world economic leader in the past decade is its mighty urban workforce. Millions who once toiled in rural areas continue to migrate to cities to join the professional ranks and help drive the country’s growth.
Of course, like desk jockeys in offices and cubicles around the globe,China’s corporate cogs often find themselves enduring 10+ hour workdays for weeks on end—creating a market for creature comforts to help make the daily grind less mind-and-rump numbing. We browsed Alibaba Group’s Taobao and Tmall marketplaces, China’s largest online-shopping websites, looking for unusual workplace accessories for workers who come in early, eat their meals at their desks, and clock out late. These six do the job.
3-in-1 Professional Triple Multifunction Breakfast Machine

For those whose morning commutes makes breakfast (or even a Starbucks pit stop) impossible, here’s a coffeemaker/toaster oven/grill that will go nicely next to the copy machine. Fried eggs? Check. Warm toast? Check. Hot coffee? You get the picture. This is the champion of the breakfast-maker of champions.
Mini USB-Powered Desktop Refrigerator

Who has time to visit a vending machine? This single-can desktop refrigerator is USB-powered—simply plug in and chill out.
Electronic Fishtank Light Calendar Alarm Clock

If space on your messy desktop is at a premium, here’s an LED light-meets-aquarium-meets-calendar-meets-digital clock-meets-desk lamp. Those who accidentally nod off before the afternoon staff meeting will appreciate the alarm function, while the aquatic scene soothes frazzled nerves prior to that big presentation for the boss.
Foot Hammock

Who doesn’t daydreamat work of lying in a hammock on the beach, fruity drink in hand? If your mind can’t go on holiday, at least your feet can.
Ostrich Pillow

A strenuous workday often calls for a discreet power nap. Instead of hunching over and waking up with ink on the face, there’s this: the Ostrich Pillow. Wearing one will burnish your reputation as the office oddball, of course, but as the name implies, you’ll sleep blissfully unaware that anyone can see you after you bury your head in one of these bad boys.
No Rinse Shampoo Cap

For the workaholic who pulls an all-nighter here and there, a refreshing shower can recharge for that second shift. But a full lather-up may not always be possible. Enter the next best thing: the No Rinse Shampoo Cap. Its makers claim it will deodorize and clean your hair sans water. To activate, just heat the cap in a microwave for 15 seconds, place on head, and massage hair for two to three minutes. Safety tip: the cap, not your noggin, goes in the microwave.